St. 博纳旺蒂尔 University

Early Assurance Programs & 通路

Early assurance programs and pathways enable interested high school seniors to secure a seat in one of St. 博纳旺蒂尔's graduate-level programs as incoming freshmen. Transfer students and current SBU undergraduate students may seek early assurance to a graduate program as well.

Early assurance programs (EAP) offer students early acceptance to a graduate-level or professional program, 只要他们在本科课程中保持良好的成绩,并符合研究生课程的学术入学要求,就可以自动进入该课程.


早期保证计划使学生在攻读本科学位期间免于申请众多研究生或专业/医学课程的压力和压力, giving them the freedom to devote their time and energy to other academic interests and experiences.

Some EAP programs may accelerate the traditional time frame for earning both undergraduate and graduate degrees, saving students time and money.

例如, in our early assurance journalism programs, you apply as an incoming freshman and may begin taking graduate courses during your senior year. This not only speeds you along the path to a graduate degree, 但是因为这两个研究生课程都是在线的,你有机会在完成硕士学位的同时进入劳动力市场并获得薪水.

How to apply for early assurance

You can learn more about our early assurance programs, including how to apply, by selecting a program of interest from the list below.

Smiling MSOT student
4+2 & 3+2 MSOT Early Assurance 通路

本科学生,包括新生和符合条件的转校生,只要他们在本科课程中保持良好的成绩,并符合研究生课程的入学要求,就可以保证在我们的职业治疗科学硕士课程中获得保留席位. 了解更多

Student in business classroom
4+1 BBA/MBA Early Assurance Program

Qualified high school seniors may apply for early assurance to our 150-hour 4+1 MBA in professional accountancy program. 这使学生能够在五年或更短的时间内获得会计工商管理学士学位(BBA)和工商管理硕士学位(MBA). 了解更多

MBA (non-accounting) Early Assurance Program

Qualified high school seniors may apply for early assurance to our traditional MBA program, choosing an undergraduate major of their liking. This enables students to earn their bachelor's degree and a Master of Business 政府 (MBA) in five years or less. 了解更多

Student at Bloomburg Machine
Early Assurance in Business Analytics

我们的商业分析EAP确保感兴趣的高中毕业生和转学生在我们的研究生水平的商业分析硕士课程中获得安置,前提是他们在本科课程中保持良好的成绩,并符合研究生课程的入学要求. 了解更多

Student at a computer
Early Assurance in 网络安全

我们的网络安全EAP为感兴趣的高中高年级学生和转学生提供网络安全在线硕士学位课程,前提是他们在本科课程中保持良好的成绩并符合研究生课程的入学要求. 了解更多

Students conferring in class
Early Assurance in Education (Teacher Preparation)

我们的EAP教育确保有兴趣的高中毕业生和转学生在三个SBU硕士学位课程之一的本科教师准备课程中注册,前提是他们在本科课程中保持良好的表现,并满足研究生课程的入学和教师认证要求. 了解更多

Student in sports press box
Early Assurance in Journalism

我们的全球网赌十大网站学EAP为感兴趣的高中毕业生和转学生提供两个完全在线的硕士课程(M.A. in digital journalism and M.A. (体育全球网赌十大网站),前提是他们在本科课程中保持良好的成绩,并符合研究生课程的学术入学要求. 了解更多

Student talking and gesturing
Early Assurance in Marketing 沟通

我们的营销传播EAP为感兴趣的高中毕业生和转学生提供营销传播硕士课程的安排,前提是他们在本科课程中保持良好的成绩,并符合研究生课程的学术入学要求. 了解更多

St. 博纳旺蒂尔 University student doing stretching exercises
Early Assurance in Public Health

我们的公共卫生EAP为感兴趣的高中高年级学生和转学生提供公共卫生硕士研究生学位,前提是他们在本科课程中保持良好的成绩,并符合研究生课程的学术入学要求. 了解更多

Sport 政府
Early Assurance in Sport 政府

我们的体育管理EAP确保有兴趣的高中毕业生和转学生在我们的研究生水平的体育管理商业理学硕士课程中获得安置,前提是他们在本科课程中保持良好的成绩并符合研究生课程的入学要求. 了解更多

Programs in chemistry, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and PT

Chemistry majors at SBU are eligible for automatic acceptance and immediate entry to the Ph.D. program in chemistry at the University of Rhode Island.

Our Franciscan Health Care Professions Program offers opportunities for enrolled SBU students to apply for early acceptance to medical, dental or pharmacy school, or a physical therapy program. 许多是联合学位或双录取项目,允许有才华的高中毕业生在进入全球网赌十大网站.

Automatic acceptance into Ph.D. programs in chemistry
Students who earn a B.S. SBU化学专业的学生可以自动被布法罗大学和罗德岛大学的化学博士课程录取,前提是他们在SBU的平均成绩达到一定的水平,并有SBU化学系主任的支持信. 了解更多

SBU-LECOM Dual Admit Program in Osteopathic Medicine

被该项目录取的合格高中毕业生在从SBU毕业后在伊利湖骨科医学院(LECOM)有一个预留的座位等待他们. Qualified current SBU students may apply up to Feb. 1 of their sophomore year. 了解更多

Student in white medical coat
SBU-NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine Early Admission Program

合格的全球网赌十大网站的学生可以在纽约理工学院(SBU)读完大二之后申请入读骨科医学学院, then apply at the end of their junior year. 了解更多 

LECOM牙科 student
SBU-LECOM Dual Admit Program in Dentistry

被这个项目录取的合格的高中毕业生在从SBU毕业后在LECOM牙科医学院有一个预留的座位等待他们. Qualified current SBU students may be eligible to apply and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 了解更多 

SBU-University at Buffalo Dual Admit Program in Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

被这个竞争项目录取的合格学生在进入SBU三年后,将有条件进入UB药学院和制药科学学院. The program is completed with an additional four years at the UB, leading to both a BS and a PharmD degree. 了解更多

LECON Pharmacy student
SBU-LECOM Dual Admit Program in Pharmacy

被这个项目录取的合格的高中毕业生在SBU的三年后,在伊利湖骨科医学院药学院有一个预留的座位等着他们. Qualified current SBU students may apply after three semesters at SBU. 了解更多

Daemen Physical Therapy students
SBU-Daemen Dual Admit Program in Physical Therapy

Qualified high school seniors accepted into this program are dually admitted to St. 博纳旺蒂尔 University and Daemen University's Department of Physical Therapy. Current SBU students may qualify to enter this program and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 了解更多

Student getting PT treatment
SBU-St. 弗朗西斯U. Combined Degree in Physical Therapy

Qualified high school seniors accepted into this program have a provisional seat waiting for them at St. 弗朗西斯(Pa.) University Department of Physical Therapy after attending SBU. Current SBU students may also qualify for this program and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 了解更多

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